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In the classical orchestra of Haydn, the double bass was biggest. In the 19th century, everything was to become occasionally included in orchestras, including the grand piano and the biggest instrument of all: the organ.
The piano

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8y ago

The piano. Of course, there is a strong argument that 'piano' is the correct answer; it is stringed, and it is huge. You don't pack your 9 foot Steinway in your handy keyboard bag and tote it home for practice. But I would say that the piano is not a standard member of the orchestra prior to roughly the 20th century. More often than not, it is a solo instrument. Today it is seen much more often as part of the orchestral ensemble for non-soloist work, but you don't always see that. Also, piano is often considered a percussion instrument rather than a member of the string family even though it contains hundreds of strings. Piano strings produce sound by a very different mechanism than members of the string family. So I think there is an argument that the answer could be Double Bass, depending on whether or not you consider 'stringed instrument' to mean 'member of the string family'.

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14y ago

Probably, the harp.

Some may say piano, but technically, the piano is not a member of the String family, rather it belongs to the Percussion family due to the process normally needed to produce sounds, but it could be argued that is belongs to both families.

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15y ago

An interesting question without an easy answer.

"The Orchestra" has meant many things over the last three centuries.

If by "The Orchestra", you include the orchestra used for Tchaikowsky's and Berlioz' largest works, the answer would definitely be the church bells of Moscow or Paris!

If by "The Orchestra", you are including the orchestra of St Saens (or the Boston Pops and Boston PHil!) then the grand pipe organ would be the largest instrument. Or, perhaps, a concert grand piano, which can be 9 to 12 feet in length, and occupy a volume as great as the most overblown bass drum!

Orchestras with very large bass drums would point to them as the largest instrument.

However, in the standard orchestra, it's very likely that the largest instrument would be the String Bass. It is both tallest and occupies the largest volume, more than the standard bass drums, tubas, etc. That would be my guess, anyway!

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10y ago

The double bass is the largest instrument used in a modern orchestra.

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11y ago

The largest string instrument in most orchestras is the double bass, but in some orchestras there is no double bass. In those orchestras the largest insrument is the cello.

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