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not all of it he makes up a lot of things in his songs up but they are still the best out there

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Q: Is the track Stan by Eminem true?
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Dose eminem sing in Stan?

The actual verses are rapped by Eminem. The chorous track version was taken from "Thank You" from Dido. However, there was also a live version of Stan in which the chorous was performed by Elton John.

What is the meaning of Stan when Eminem refers to a STAN. Is this an acrynm?

Stan was a fan of eminem fan who killed himself because eminem wouldn't talk to him or write him

Is the Eminem Stan song a true story?

No his uncle Ronnie's suicide inspired him to write it

On the track Stan. Stan tells Eminem he is sorry about what happened to Eminem's uncle?

His Uncle died His Uncle Ronald Polkingham aka Ronnie Commited Suicide When Em Was About 19 r 18 , Ronnie Himself Was Only A Few Years Older Than Eminem. XxX

Does Eminem play Stan in the video?

No, he doesn't play Stan but Eminem is in the video though but just as himself not Stan.

What address did Stan use to mail Eminem in Eminem's song Stan?

Can you find Stan's letters to Eminem on the Internet?

No, Stan is a fictional character and he does not exist, howvever you can find eminem's song sheet where he first wrote Stan

In eminem's video Stan what did Stan pour on his head in the beginning?

Stan is pouring bleach on his head so he looks like Eminem. Hope this helps

Who is Stan in eminems song?

I believe Stan is actually a reflection of Eminem's imagination, as I read before he suffered alcohol problems and depression quite similar to Stan himself in the music video. Stan is not a real fan I've heard, he was just a creation but similar things have happened. I think mainly Eminem is almost writing to himself about some of his own problems minus the abuse of his wife and obsessions.

Who is rapping in the first part of Stan by Eminem?

are you serious.. Eminem

What is the harmony in Stan by Eminem?


How is eminem's song 'Stan' related to mental health?

Because in the song, Stan is so brainwashed by Eminem and his lyrics, he just goes crazy.