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The song is called Dragula and is based on the drag racer "DRAG-U-LA" featured in the sitcom The Munsters.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

There is no Guitar Hero that I know of that has that song...but it is a downloadable track for both rock band and rock band 2

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The song is called Dragula.

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Q: Is the song by Rob Zombie called Dragula or Dracula?
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When was Dragula - song - created?

Dragula - song - was created in 1998-08.

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"there is no such this.. Rob Zombie meant it as in drag car but he changed the title of the song" Wrong, the Drag-U-La was the name of the Munsters drag car built from a casket. It has been given to any type of souped up car with a gothic twist, most commonly hearses. Rob Zombie owns one.

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No, but he has a song called "Living Dead Girl."

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Yes, it is the first song of Act II in the Broadway version.

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The song 'Dracula' Dosen't have a video ;)

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