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Q: Is the piano from the string family?
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What family does piano go into brass string percussion or woodwind?

string because it uses string to make the piano make sound

How are a violin and a piano alike?

They both are in the string family of music.

Is the cello in the string family?

The cello is one of the 4 members of the string orchestra family. If you are talking about the full string family, it is viola, cello, bass, violin, piano, and guitar.

What String instrument is not in the violin family?

Those without strings, mainly woodwinds, brass and percussion.The piano is in reality a member of the percussion family primarily because of the manner in which is required to produce sound, but has been "accepted" as being part of the string family in many circles.

What small ensemble uses an instrument not belonging to the same family as the rest?

A "trio" ... consists of string instruments plus a piano. The piano is a member of the percussion family.

Is the piano a member of the percussion or string family?

both because piano uses strings but to make it sound hammers inside the piano hit the strings as you press the key

Which musical instrument has the most strings?

it is a harp Wrong - the answer is the piano. The piano is not formally a member of the string family ... the manner in which sound is produced on the piano uses percussive effects - hammers striking keys, therefore, the piano is really a member of the percussion family. ok, but since hammers inside the piano hammer on strings, I think it is a part of the string family. Also because "stringinstrument" doesn't mean how the strings are played.

What family of instruments does the piano fit under?

The Piano does not fit under one faily, but two. When you press down on a key [which is percussion], you cause a hammer inside the Piano to hit [also percussion] a string [which goes under the String section], or strings [depending on what key you play].

Is a string instrument from a violin family?

All of the strings are part of the violin family. Basically the double bass, cello, and viola are the violin's relatives. The piano and the harp are also considered string instruments.

What in the piano?


Is the piano a string instrament?

the piano is a pecussion instrament

What instrument group does the piano belong tosringspercussionbrassor woodwinds?

Piano is in the strings family. This is such because when you play piano, a hammer hits a string, and the vibrating string makes a sound. You do not hit the string, so 1 reason it isn't percussion, and a string makes a sound, not a piece of wood, metal, plastic, or animal skin. I play percussion in a very highly rated concert band, I would know.