Slipknot is not inherently an atheist band, as their music and lyrics cover a wide range of themes beyond just religion. While some members have expressed atheistic beliefs in their personal lives, the band as a whole does not have an official stance on religion. Slipknot's music often explores darker and more complex themes, drawing inspiration from various sources rather than solely focusing on Atheism.
YES, Slipknot is Satanic and certainly ANTI-christ. They are a "DEATH" metal band as well. Satan advocates death and evil, bloodiness, violence, and degradation. Common sense can tell one right off the bat that this band is satanic.
By the way, they don't have to be of satanism to be satanic. Many bands and movies are satanic and even have the nerve to call themselves Christian!
Just because religion isn't involved in the band doesn't mean they aren't of satan. You will have people say this and that and defend it to the end. But their songs are GLORIFYING EVIL. How is that acceptable? That is not acceptable for a Christian. And if you are Christian and are deciding if you should listen to them, I will give you a firm NO and if you truly love Jesus you will give up anything for him, especially something that gives praise to the prince of darkness and very opposite christlike ideals. Really, would Jesus listen to that music? NO WAY! And don't even tell me yes. NO WAY.
The Bible says "you shall know them by their fruits." And if one hasn't lost their common sense then they would know that Slipknot is of the devil. It doesn't take much sense to tell you that unless you've lost your reasoning powers. Just reading their song lyrics and looking at album and song titles should give a mighty impression. Also see their satanic pictures:
God bless. (btw, Cannibal Corpse is definitely satanic as well b/c they contain the same elements in their music and even worse)
No, they are not "anti-christ".
If you know what anti-christ means, then you would realize that they are not.
Anti-Christ is sort of a religion you could say.
It is people who are against the religion Christianity.
So therefore, seeing that Slipknot is not against all Christian people, they are not Anti-Christians. It is all for the image.
Yes it contains anti-christian themes.
WHERE? Please provide evidence! I'm getting bored of answering the same question over and over. THEY ARE NOT DEVIL WORSHIPERS/SATANIST OR ANTI CHRISTS! Some of them are Atheist but that's their choice the same as it's your choice to believe in whichever religion you want.
They DO contain anti-Christian themes! Heretic Anthem: 666. Why are you putting a number symbolic of evil in your song. Why do they wear pentegrams, a strong occult symbol, in your music? How come the front of one of their albums is a goat, ANOTHER occult symbol. How about the song "People=Sh*t". Why are they degrading Man, the crowning act of God's creation. Look at their lyrics: "I'm sittin at the side of Satan." Really? They're telling you something! Is that enough for you? Can you not see?!
Yes, maybe they do contain anti-christian themes, but that does not deem them Satan worshipers. And for someone who doesn't believe in god, what does it matter? And maybe in Slipknot's opinion people do = sh*t. If you don't like what they sing about, don't listen to it. It's that simple. *Kristen
Lolz. It's just a band. It's time to get over it. A pretty lame band with a decent drummer, but that's it. Metal bands in general create a "hardcore" fascade and identify themselves with occult or edgy symbols sometimes. This is probably just to gain fan base. Teenagers gravitate toward what they can relate to, what they think is "cool", and something that is "edgy" and "rebellious" because they don't feel accepted or understood by those around them (normally parents). Humans (especially teenagers and youth who are very influenced by the media and peers) gravitate toward what they ought not to. It's just a fad, Slipknot won't be around forever. - xKillingxCupidx
slipknot is one of those really good bands. First of all they are not satanic. Second of all they are like a voice to the people, basically most of there songs just talks about towards people, government,etc. Slipknot most of them had a terrible childhood like Corey Taylor lived under a bridge as a kid and started to see how horrible people are and all that stuff. So they are like an angry band and super crazy. In other words the word (sic) from them means like sic of people, rules, government, yes i suggest you should listen to this band.-lazyrocker
Of course not.
The band SlipKnot may appear 'satanic', but I can assure you there are no Satanists in the band. As for atheist there are quite a few in the band. There aren't any Christians. Hope I helped :)
No. Slipknot is a metal band with satanic influences.
No. They are Mallcore
Slipknot is the worlds best band. So no one is better then them!
The band SlipKnot may appear 'satanic', but I can assure you there are no Satanists in the band. As for atheist there are quite a few in the band. There aren't any Christians. Hope I helped :)
Slipknot - band - was created in 1995.
Slipknot, can find them as black metals ---------------------------------- Slipknot is not atheist, they're actually christian.
Slipknot hands down.
No. Slipknot is a metal band with satanic influences.
No, Russell Brand is not in Slipknot.
No. They are Mallcore
Slipknot is the worlds best band. So no one is better then them!
It's what Slipknot call their fans.
Slipknot is the worlds best band.
Joey Jordison was in Murderdolls after Slipknot.