yes nick always plays movies over and over again
Justin's manager went to meet Justin after he discovered Justin on youtube and Usher signed Justin Bieber to his label so Usher became his mentor/big brother
Um pretty easily actually. but hun back off we have a great thing going and he's my everything so don't even think you can have him.
Maybe, no one can say for sure but from what has been shown I think out of 10 it would be a 7 that she would.
If your he's ex, then you should know. You dated him (apparently). But Justin isn't dating at the moment, cause he said in an interview 'I cant give a girl what she deserves cause im always travelling the world, so its unfair'
No, because the dancers just pick someone who is a fan in the front row. :(
Currently on the My World 2.0 Tour it's Marvin, Jake Smith, Michael and Antony Carr I don't know Marvin or Michael's surnames
i think dancers earn $17.00 i think dancers earn $17.00
On his right at his lower back side!
You could ask him on Twitter and see if he writes back :)
I am a huge fan of Justin and on the back of the ticket it tells you what website to go to.
this year maybe get tickets sit back and have fun!
The Jonas Brothers don't have back up dancers, they only have a band to back them up
Yes. Justin and Ryan were on a hockey team when Justin lived back in Stratford. Along with Ryan , Justin is also friends with Chaz Somers.
He is one of Justin Timberlake's back up dancers for the Future Sex Love Sound tour.
Jusitn Bieber isn't even his real nam it's Alexander Drew Lawerance.
meet justin and ask but if you can t meet him send him a letter asking for one and he will send it back