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Q: Is note 7 on trombone high or low?
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What is the slide position for a low b natural on trombone?

A low B(natural) on a Trombone is in the 7th position (a little bit past 6th position) The high one can either be played in that position or 4th position. For a Trombone position chart click on the related link below.

How many postioins are there on the trombone?


How many postions are there on the trombone?

There are 7 slide positions on a trombone. There are, however, modifications to those 7 positions to create accidentals and when playing a slide.

G bass trombone slide positions?

g is in fifth position

What are the slide positions for a slide trombone?

1-7 (basic)

What are the release dates for Poor Paul - 2008 A Rusty Trombone 1-7?

Poor Paul - 2008 A Rusty Trombone 1-7 was released on: USA: 21 October 2008

Is the trombone a scholarship instrument?

I would not consider the regular "tenor trombone" to be a scholarship instrument. However, instruments such as the alto and bass trombone are more likely choices as "scholarship instruments.". If you play tenor now, bass wouldn't be too difficult to learn. Euphonium is an alternative that is more like a tenor trombone. Source(s) 7 years of playing tenor trombone, 2 years of doubling on Euphonium, Bass Trombone, & Tuba.

How many notes can you play on the trombone?

In all, 45. That's blowing hard and soft and all...alot isn't it!The written range of the trumpet (low F# to high C) contains 31 notes, but experienced players can extend that range much higher and, to a lesser extent, lower.

Positions for b natural scale on trombone?

the fingering for f natural on a trumpet is first valve. that's it, nothing else. you shouldn't need to pull out your third valve slide or anything like that. just push in the first valve and you;re good to go.

Is Romania's GDP high or low?

The GDP per capita in Romania is low; for 2009 was cca. 7 300 US $.

How long passing between high tides?

Usually the tides last about 6 to 7 hours then they become low tide or high.

How much is it to repair a trombone slide?

About 7 feet if the slide is in 7th position I Think!!