Yes. Wheelchair don't disable you completely. You just have to exercise in different ways. Ever tried wheelchair Basketball?
You have to be 100% committed to lose weight.
Weight Watchers, founded by Jean Nidetch in the 1960s. The current program, PointsPlus, makes it possible to lose weight without counting calories. According to the Weight Watchers website, a 1/2 cup of refried beans has 4 points.
It promises that you will lose weight if you put your ,mind to it.
from weight watchers! and she is lookin good
No, it is not possible to lose 10 pounds of body weight per day.
Yes, it is possible to lose weight without being on a diet. To lose weight, you must use more calories then you consume, generally 500 calories to lose 2 pounds a week. Staying active will burn more calories.
yes, by burning their fat.
starving yourself for weeks
What a ridiculous question ! IF it were possible (which is ISN'T) why would you want to deliberately infect yourself with a parasite just to lose weight ?
It not at all possible to lose weight in seconds, it doesn't matter how much amount of weight you want to lose. 3 pounds are the maximum pounds which we can lose in a healthy manner, please try to set a reliable goals.
its not possible
Sometimes people lose weight when they are ill, but there are many different kinds of illness and they have many different kinds of symptoms. It is also possible to gain weight when ill.
It is possible to lose weight during your period if your period makes you feel a little bit sick, because you might lose your appetite, but overall, no. Only a healthy diet and exercise program can really help you lose weight.