Yes. Alpha particles can be a product of radioactive decay, and alpha particles are simply Helium nuclei. Unless they interact with other atoms, they will tend to pick up stray electrons (they need two) and become stable 4He atoms.
The product.
This is the alpha radioactive decay.
A helium nucleus - more precisely, a helium-4 nucleus - is called an alpha particle. The corresponding decay would be called alpha decay.
An alpha particle
Product of radioactive decay 42He is an alpha particle
A gamma wave...
The product.
This is the alpha radioactive decay.
The decay product ratio is the ratio of the amount of a specific decay product to the amount of the parent isotope in a radioactive decay chain. It is used to determine the relative contribution of different decay pathways in the decay of a radioactive substance.
A helium nucleus - more precisely, a helium-4 nucleus - is called an alpha particle. The corresponding decay would be called alpha decay.
An alpha particle
Helium is generated as a decay product of some radioactive materials and tends to collect in the same type of geological structures that trap natural gas, so methane might be a possible answer.
Helium is produced as a byproduct of radioactive decay in minerals like uranium and thorium. These minerals contain alpha particles, which are essentially helium nuclei. As these alpha particles are emitted during decay, they capture electrons from their surroundings to become helium atoms. This is why helium is often found mixed with radioactive minerals.
The decay product of hydrogen is helium. In certain types of nuclear reactions, such as fusion, hydrogen atoms combine to form helium atoms.
An alpha particle
The final product is not radioactive.
Product of radioactive decay 42He is an alpha particle