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Q: Is driving without a new registration a moving violation?
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Is driving without insurance a moving violation?

Yes, it's obviously not a parking infraction.

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Is citation for for an expired automobile registration tag a moving violation?

Not in the state of Arizona. In Arizona you do not get "points" on your driving record nor can you take a driving course/class instead of paying the fine.

What type of violation is driving without insurance considered to be?

I got one and it is considered a moving violation The fine is around $500. Good luck

Do you get points on your license or is it a moving violation for driving a car that is not inspected?

Driving an uninspected vehicle is not a moving violation, thus there are no points involved, just a fine.

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Will driving with an expired registration increase your auto insurance premiums if both auto insurance and drivers license were current?

You can't be sure with all companies...but most would not increase your premium unless it is a moving violation. However, expired registration violation, parking ticket violations, and other non-moving violation may lead to license suspension. Now, that is a complete different story. Such suspension may cause your insurance company to non-renew your policy.

Is traffic violation 23123a a moving violation?

No. This only relates to the use of a cell phone while driving.

Would Driving with an expired license be considered a moving violation?

Absolutely! Driving is a privilege ... not a right!!

Ics driving a commercial vehicle with a class c license a moving violation?

I wouldn't worry if it is a moving violation or not because the fine can be up to $5,000.

Does a curfew ticket effect your driving record in California?

no its not a moving violation

Is a registration ticket a moving violation?

Yes it is a moving violation. Speeding is often between a 3-4 point violation depending on how fast you were going. Just don't get caught doing over 15 MPH: that translates into reckless driving, which means you HAVE TO APPEAR IN COURT. It could also mean possible jail time!