Yes, Richard Carpenter is alive as of October 15, 2010. He, his wife Mary and their 5 children live in Thousand Oaks, California and they support the arts in that city. The family hosts an annual talent and scholarship show at the city's civic center.
Little Richard Live was created in 1976.
Richard Wagner was born and lived in Germany, in a city called "Bayreuth". I live in Bayreuth myself!
Were does little richards parents live now
Richard Z Kruspe lives in America. The other members of the band all live in Berlin in Germany.
Orcas Island in Washington State
Yes, Richard Leakey is still a live today
Carpenter Bees live in wood
The carpenter, Gotz lives in Mineral Town.
Hollywood, California
Between the carpenter ant, fire ant, and odorous house ant, the carpenter ant lives the longest. Carpenter ants can live up to 7 years.
i like chicken
I believe carpenter ants can.
Little Richard Live was created in 1976.
SouthWest U.S.
There are many insects that are attracted to rotting wood. This includes termites, ladybugs, carpenter ants, and powder post beetles.
Richard Kahui lives in Hamilton