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unfortunately, yes. She is still going to sing.

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Q: Is Miley Cyrus not going to sing anymore?
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Is this Miley Cyrus last year to sing?

well, Miley Cyrus is quiting Hannah but she is still gonna sing as Miley Cyrus

Why did Miley Cyrus begin to sing?

Miley Cyrus Began To sing Because Its Her Career!

Is Miley Cyrus ever going to sing again?

Oh please dont let her sing again.

Does Miley Cyrus lip sync her own songs?

No Miley Cyrus does not lip sing she refuses to lip sing

Did Miley Cyrus sing you are the world?

No,she did not.

When are the next auditions for Hannah Montana?

Never, Miley Cyrus quit on doing the Hannah Montana shows because Hannah/miley was getting meaner. But Miley Cyrus is still going to sing the songs.

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Yes, but Miley was a jerk she was going to let Noah sing then she blew it. Miley's boyfriend walk in and Miley ask him to sing a duet with her and that was the duet Miley and Noah were so pose to sing so don't watch Hannah Montana and the next you see call etc you. Don't answer because she will bale you out

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no but she sang it to chris trewin and they are still going out now

What do Miley Cyrus likes to do?

Sing and act.

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miley cyrus!

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