Troyal Garth Brooks
Garth Brooks was born on February 7, 1962
No, Garth Brooks is not single.
Garth Brooks father is in Yukon, Oklahoma, his mother is deceased.
Yes Garth brooks is related to Taylor swift
summer 2013
Troyal Garth Brooks
Garth Brooks was born on February 7, 1962
Garth Brooks is 6'1
No, Garth Brooks is not single.
troyal Garth BrooksAnswerTroyal Garth Brooks
Garth Brooks is a/an Singer songwriter
Troyal Garth Brooks
Garth Brooks is NOT gay. It is just a rumour.
Garth Brooks married to Sandy Mahl from 1986 to 2001 Garth Brooks married to Trisha Yearwood in 2005
Garth Brooks was born on February 7, 1962.
Garth Brooks - album - was created in 1987.