The name of Whitney's mother is Cissy Houston.
Yes, Cissy Houston was Whitney Houston's mother. You can read more about Cissy, a famous gospel singer, in her autobiography, "How Sweet the Sound."
Yes, her mother, Emily "Cissy" Houston is still alive.
Yes, Cissy Houston is still alive, and was at her daughter's funeral.
Her name is Cissy Houston.
The name of Whitney's mother is Cissy Houston.
Yes, Cissy Houston was Whitney Houston's mother. You can read more about Cissy, a famous gospel singer, in her autobiography, "How Sweet the Sound."
Emily "Cissy" Houston.
Whitney Houston's mother Cissy lives in Edgewater, New Jersey.
Yes, her mother, Emily "Cissy" Houston is still alive.
Cissy Houston,Whitney Houston's Mother was one of them.
Houston lost his mother to lymphoma in 1997
Her parents are Cissy Houston and John Russell Houston.
Yes, Cissy Houston is still alive, and was at her daughter's funeral.
Yes, her mother, Emily "Cissy" Houston is still alive.
Her name is Cissy Houston.
Mother she is Donna Warwick sister