it depends on the time signature. for example if the time is 4/4 then there can be four notes
The top number indicates the number of beats per measure. The bottom number indicates what type of note gets the beat. For example, the time signature of 3/4 means three quarter notes per measure.
If you mean 4/4, the second or bottom 4 means quarter notes. The first or top number answers your question.
If it is 4/4 time, then it gets 1/4 of that quarter note. So meaning there would be 16 sixteenth notes in a measure if you filled the bar with sixteenth notes.
The 6/4 (compound) time signature denotes two dotted half notes (dotted minims) in a bar. A dotted half note is equivalent to three quarter notes. Hence there is 6 quarter notes in a measure with this time signature.
Four 16th notes are equivalent to one quarter note. To fill a measure (in 4/4 time) you would use 4 quarter notes or 16 16th notes.
it depends on the time signature. if it's 4/4 then there are 4 beats per measure. it could be one whole note, two half notes, or four quarter notes - you could go on and on. it all depends on the time signature [amount of beats per measure] though.
first of all, 4 quarter notes? four half notes? anyway, to answer your question, if one measure receives 4 quarter notes, it would be like this.... 4 beats in a measure: 4 quarter note gets one beat: 4 So the bottom number is what type of note gets one beat, and the top number states how many beats in one measure.
For any time signature, the first, or top number indicates how many beats are in one measure. The second, or bottom number indicates what kind of note is worth one beat. 6/8 indicates that there are six beats per measure and an eighth note gets one beat. A poem like "Humpty Dumpty" travels in 6/8 time.
As many as you want, just as long as all the notes plus rests in any single measure don't add up to more than the equivalent of seven eighth notes.
The top number indicates the number of beats per measure, and the bottom number indicates what note value gets one beat.
In four/four time, four quarter notes can fit into one measure.
The top number indicates the number of beats per measure. The bottom number indicates what type of note gets the beat. For example, the time signature of 3/4 means three quarter notes per measure.
If you mean 4/4, the second or bottom 4 means quarter notes. The first or top number answers your question.
44 time is meaning how many of what note. 4 4 time means 4 beats in one measure that are quarter notes, split quarter notes or doubled quarter notes. (half notes, whole notes, eighth notes, sixteenth notes, etc.) Hope this answered your question!!
The time signature. The top note is how many beats in a measure, the bottom is what type of note gets a beat. For example, 4/4: four notes in the measure, quarter notes gets a beat.
If it is 4/4 time, then it gets 1/4 of that quarter note. So meaning there would be 16 sixteenth notes in a measure if you filled the bar with sixteenth notes.
The 6/4 (compound) time signature denotes two dotted half notes (dotted minims) in a bar. A dotted half note is equivalent to three quarter notes. Hence there is 6 quarter notes in a measure with this time signature.