because beethoven was a German and they dont allow the jews to play german music
no they arent
some are some arent
There arent any
no. in svz arent stars
they arent allowed because canadians arent smart enough to use them. we are allowed ! . umm, cause were not dumb. and everyone has them (Y) . so yeeh !
why arent woman allowed to play digeredoo
It is personal information
Because they are too young to understand politics.
Cheats aren't allowed in xobox live but gliches are. yes cheats arent allowed and when you cheat you dont get gamerscore neither.
the nig nogs arent allowed anywhere besides cages at the zoo
He doesnt want anybody else to have you. He must secretly like you deep down :)
Depending on what they did, no electronics for a few days. If its something big like they stole something then they arent allowed to leave the house except for school and if they're more than a few minutes late home then keep them in their rooms for the rest of the night.
Well to answer your quenstion the reason they are not in the same place is because the earth is moving so at night it is diffrent.
No gay people arent normal and should be treated like animals!
refused is when you dont do something because you dont want to denied is when you arent allowed to do something that you want to
B'coz it haraam in islam and unlawful and spreads numerous diseases.