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The Line in the song is: Good King Wenceslas last looked out on the feast of Stephen. The Feast Day of St. Stephen is on the December 26. As such, of course, it is not truly a Christmascarol, but is one of several feasts which fall within the 12 Days of Christmas (Christmastide, Dec. 25 to Jan. 6).
He looked out on the Feast of Saint Stephen (December 26).

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Q: In the Christmas carol when did 'Good King Wenceslas' look out?
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What Christmas song has the first line initials gkwldotfos?

Good King Wenceslas looked down on the feast of Stephen

What is the original song that is used in the Burger King Christmas carol?

Joy to the world

What is the history behind Saint Agnes Fountain in the Christmas Carol Good King Wenceslas?

Saint Agnes (flourished 4th century, Rome; feast day January 21) Legendary Christian martyr, the patron saint of girls. According to tradition, she was a beautiful virgin who turned away all suitors, declaring that she could have no spouse but The rejected suitors informed Roman officials that she was a Christian, and she was punished by being exposed in a brothel. There she was left miraculously unharmed; the only man who attempted to violate her was struck blind, and she healed him with prayer. She was later murdered during the persecutions ordered by But all this is irrelevant because the saint being referred to in the carol is St Agnes of Bohemia, not St Agnes of Rome. According to St. Agnes of Bohemia died March 2, 1282 while Wenceslas died in 935 A.D. The carol was written durning 19th century and recalls a living miracle of Wenceslas, where a page in the service of Wenceslas is warmed by the heat of his footprints while following him on the night after Christmas, commonly called Boxing Day.

What song does molly play with corrina at the piano in corrina corrina?

Great movie right? The song is called "Good King Wenceslas" and it's a Christmas piece often played on the piano, but I myself have played it on the trumpet and it is equally beautiful across all instruments.

What Christmas carol contains Glory to the newborn king?

hark the herald angels sing!

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From the Christmas carol 'Good King Wenceslas' where was Good King Wenceslas the King of?

Good King Wenceslas was the duke of Bohemia in the 10th century.

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Good King Wenceslas is a Christmas carol. It is a story based on Saint Wenceslas I, Duke of Bohemia (area of modern-day Czech Republic).

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King Wenceslas asked for logs of wood to give to a poor peasant during a harsh winter in the Christmas carol "Good King Wenceslas."

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Good King Wencelas was involved in the famous Christmas carol, called "O Come, O Come Emmanuel", and also the song called, "Good King Wenceslas". The good deeds that Good King Wencelas was involved with in the famous Christmas carol "Good King Wenceslas" was by giving alms generously to widows, and those in prison and the orphans.

Which king first looked out on the feast of Stephen?

King Wenceslas I of Bohemia is the protagonist of the Christmas carol "Good King Wenceslas" who looked out on the feast of Stephen. The carol recounts the story of the king and his page going out to help a poor man on the Feast of Stephen, which is observed on December 26th.

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The beloved Christmas carol, "Good King Wenceslas" is based on the actual life of Wenceslas I who was Duke of Bohemia until he was assassinated in 935 as a result of a plot by his brother, Boleslav The Cruel. His martyrdom and elevation to sainthood led to him being posthumously declared King and named patron saint of Bohemia.

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The Christmas carol that tells the story of a page who kept from freezing by walking in his master's footprints is "Good King Wenceslas." This song narrates the legend of the Duke of Bohemia, Wenceslas, venturing out on St. Stephen's Day to help a poor peasant. The page follows his footsteps and receives warmth and guidance in the snow.

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If King Wenceslas ever killed a boar, there is no historical reference to it on the Internet. Perhaps you are confusing the carol with another old Christmas song The Boar's Head Carol which has absolutely no connection to Wenceslas. Both carols are beautiful and much more inspiring than Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer or Frosty the Snowman..

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Good King Wenceslas looked out on the Feast of Stephen - December 26.

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Good King Wenceslas