a really nice song perhaps Psycosocial- Slipknot (if she's a fun person) or mayb a song that you think is really nice or describes how you feel about her or how she is to you
Yeah it was Hollywood Undead "I must be emo", funny that they are pretty emo...but as emo as hip-hop screamo can be. Here's a fun afternoon pick-me-up! Listen to the song and keep track of which traits apply to you!
Hollywood undead
plan some lyrics that you want in there and try and order them. decide whether it is going to end in heartbreak, be a fixed love or just love. Just think about what you would feel/ do in the situation and write it down and develop it from there
This is the myspace page to the rap group that sings "Lean Like An Emo". They're called Frostbone.myspace.com/frostbonerap There you can listen to and download the song, and get the lyrics.
Acoustic rock, alternative rock and emo.
me..i love emo <3 emo my world really EMO in my blOod im cOol girl and i dont care about people and im proudly EMO with my love ::LENO LOVE EMO ((leno love emo on facebook)) leno im emo leen dark thank you with my love emo girl..<3
I love that song! "Lean like a emo!" lmbo Yew cann probably gets that on lime wire!
yes i am actually emo
An emo skater is someone who is emotionl but love to have fun.
Of course they can! Being emo doesn't mean that you have to hang around with emo's, date emo's or have anything to do with other emo's. Emo is a style, not an actual race of people, that seems to be forgotten quite a lot. There are no rules saying what emo's can and can't do, its all about freewill, no body can say who can fall in love with who and vice versa. Hope that helps :)
emo life style cool=love emo=
its by Adam and Andrew
well they love emo people and emo music and they dress in rainbow and have emo hair but rainbow :) I am emo so if you wanted to know :p
it's ANAL
its kinda hard to explain, you would have to be emo yourself to understand it
Yeah it was Hollywood Undead "I must be emo", funny that they are pretty emo...but as emo as hip-hop screamo can be. Here's a fun afternoon pick-me-up! Listen to the song and keep track of which traits apply to you!
Good question ... well Santa Maffy - Emo Emo