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As distinct from pizzicato, which indicates that you are to play a string instrument such as a violin by plucking, the corresponding term for playing with a bow is arco.

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Q: If you play a string instrument with a bow it is called?
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Related questions

Why does the smallest string instrument have the largest bow and the largest string instrument use the smallest bow?

So that the sound can be heard louder

Which stringed instrument is played by plucking or strumming the strings?

pizzicato and when you play with a bow that's called arco

What is the string on a bow and arrow called?

a bow string

What is string instument?

The string instrument is an instrument that has strings on it.There are many different ways to play the strings and many different instruments, e.g the violin can be played with a bow or you can do pizzicato(which is plucking the strings.

What is a bow made out of?

A bow is used for string instrument like violin, viola, cello, and base. the stick is made out of wood and the hair you use to play with is horse hair. The hair needs to be rosined before you play.

What instrument is made with dried gourds?

A string instrument called the berimbau. It consisted of a string attached to a flexible frame like a hunting bow. The gourd acted as the resonating box like in an acoustic guitar. It was one of the earliest string instruments.

Who are pianists and violinists?

Pianists are musicians who play the piano, a large keyboard instrument. Violinists are musicians who play the violin, a string instrument that is typically played with a bow. Both pianists and violinists are skilled in technique and musical interpretation.

How do you make the volume greater on a string instrument?

If you put the bow near the bridge, the instrument will sound louder. If you put the bow far the bridge, it will sound softer.

Harmonics on a string instrument are produced by?

lightly touching the string at certain points while the bow is being drawn.

Is a cello a stringed or wind instrument?

Cello is part of the string family. It is played with a bow.

Is a violin an example of a percussion instrument?

nothing of the above is a string instrument which is played with a bow a brass intrument:trompet a string percussion:the greek (santouri) Most people classify the violin as a string instrument.

What is the Style of playing a stringed instrument by bouncing the bow on the strings?

The controlled bouncing of a bow on the string(s) of a stringed instrument is called spiccato. The word, in Italian, means "marked or pronounced." Niccolo' Paganini's piece, 'Capriccio 1', is a great demonstration of playing spiccato.