It is a clear liquid that comes from the tobbacco plant to keep bugs from eating it. (This post by babybluehashyo)
Well i love them both but probally bugs bunny bcuz he has been along for a long time!!
Bugs Bunny is popular with parents (like my dad), but not with normal kids.(like moi!) At 50+ years of age, I am still a kid and I like Bugs' antics!
yes both female and male lady bugs have spots.
They use there oder
Insects and other prey of the tropical pitcher plant are lured by its bright and attractive colors and markings, the sugary nectar inside the "pitcher", and the sweet scent it gives off. After the insect enters the pitcher, it becomes trapped in the sticky nectar inside.
By the smell of rotting flesh or other insects that have allready fallen into the flower and cannot crawl out of the juice in the bottom of the pitcher; due to the slippery sides of the vessel.
The pitcher plant catches bugs and flies and eats them
The understory
Plant-eater and plant-eating bugs are names for bugs that eat plants. The bugs in question also may be called herbivores ("plant eaters"). They tend to cause the most damage when they remove the plant's internal fluids, such as the phloem or the xylem.
they eat bugs and other plants
by tricking bugs by the smell and traps bugs
Dead plant and animals