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an oak tree has to be 20 years old before it starts growing akons

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Q: How old is an oak tree before the first akon?
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Why don't blue tits and squirrels directly compete even though they live in the same tree?

"Each of the organisms in this ecosystem has a particular way of fitting into the oak tree environment - they each occupy a niche within the ecosystem. For example the blue tits and the squirrels, though they both inhabit the same tree, do not directly compete for food: the squirrels feed on acorns, while the tits feed on moth larvae. The two species occupy different niches within the oak ecosystem." (BBC)

The12 days of Halloween song?

this is strange that i know this but here goes... On the first day of Hallowe'en my true love gave to me An owl in a rotten oak tree On the second day of Hallowe'en My true love gave to me Two trick or treaters And an owl in a rotten oak tree On the third day of Hallowe'en My true love gave to me Three black cats Two trick or treaters And an owl in a rotten oak tree On the fourth day of Hallowe'en My true love gave to me Four skeletons Three black cats Two trick or treaters And an owl in a rotten oak tree On the fifth day of Hallowe'en My true love gave to me Five scary spooks! Four skeletons Three black cats Two trick or treaters And an owl in a rotten oak tree On the sixth day of Hallowe'en My true love gave to me Six goblins gobbling Five scary spooks! Four skeletons Three black cats Two trick or treaters And an owl in a rotten oak tree On the seventh day of Hallowe'en My true love gave to me Seven pumpkins glowing Six goblins gobbling Five scary spooks! Four skeletons Three black cats Two trick or treaters And an owl in a rotten oak tree On the eighth day of Hallowe'en My true love gave to me Eight monsters shrieking Seven pumpkins glowing Six goblins gobbling Five scary spooks! Four skeletons Three black cats Two trick or treaters And an owl in a rotten oak tree On the ninth day of Hallowe'en My true love gave to me Nine ghosts a-booing Eight monsters shrieking Seven pumpkins glowing Six goblins gobbling Five scary spooks! Four skeletons Three black cats Two trick or treaters And an owl in a rotten oak tree On the tenth day of Hallowe'en My true love gave to me Ten ghouls a-groaning Nine ghosts a-booing Eight monsters shrieking Seven pumpkins glowing Six goblins gobbling Five scary spooks! Four skeletons Three black cats Two trick or treaters And an owl in a rotten oak tree On the eleventh day of Hallowe'en My true love gave to me Eleven casks a-leaning Ten ghouls a-groaning Nine ghosts a-booing Eight monsters shrieking Seven pumpkins glowing Six goblins gobbling Five scary spooks! Four skeletons Three black cats Two trick or treaters And an owl in a rotten oak tree On the twelfth day of Hallowe'en My true love gave to me Twelve bats a-flying Eleven casks a-leaning Ten ghouls a-groaning Nine ghosts a-booing Eight monsters shrieking Seven pumpkins glowing Six goblins gobbling Five scary spooks! Four skeletons Three black cats Two trick or treaters And an owl in a rotten oak tree

What was the number one hit in 1973?

here they are you're so vain superstition crocodile rock killing me softly with his song love train

What song begins with the lyrics An old man sat at his table one day?

An Oak Tree Stands Alone by I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business . At least I'm pretty sure that's what song it is(:

When was Post Oak Mall created?

Post Oak Mall was created in 1982.

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What tree will get hit by lightning first a maple or an oak?


What word comes before the word tree?

Oak tree, ash tree, apple tree.

What type of tree is an oak tree?

an oak tree much?

What tree does an acorn come from?

An acorn comes from an oak tree. Oak trees produce acorns, which are a type of nut that serves as a seed for the oak tree to reproduce.

What will grow from the seed of an oak tree?

An oak tree.

What is the largest oak tree in the world?

The largest oak tree is the Dr. Oak from Pokemon.

What is the food chain for a oak tree?

An oak tree is a producer.

What can eat an oak tree?

They do eat oak tree but does human

When was An Oak Tree created?

An Oak Tree was created in 1973.

Is oke tree Iowa's state tree?

No, the state tree of Iowa is the Oak tree. The Oak tree was designated as the state tree in 1961.

When did the first oak tree grow?

Carl Linnaeus

How did java computer language get its first name?

the java language get it first name as OAK because of the oak tree in front of gosling's window in his office