nick was 13years old
Nick Jonas is 16 years old.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Nick Hundley is 30 years old.
Nick Jonas is 19 years Old right now
Nick's dog, Elvis, is one year old (as of 2009).
NFL player Nick Bellore is 6'-01''.
Nick Bellore plays for the New York Jets.
Nick Bellore plays Line Back for the New York Jets.
Nick Bellore is number 54 on the New York Jets.
NFL player Nick Bellore played for Central Michigan.
NFL player Nick Bellore weighs 250 pounds.
Nick Wilde is about 25 or 32
nick was 13years old
nick till is 12 years old!!
Nick Barron is on this day, 27 years old.
Nick Jonas is 16 years old.
I believe Nick Groff is about 33 years old.