Yoona is 21 years old (birthdate: May 30, 1990).
Seohyun is 1991 Yoona is 1990 The rest are 1989 as of august 27 2010 they are Seohyun 19 Yoona 20 The rest are 21 with taeyeon being the eldest
No he did not cheat on yoona cause yoona is dating lee seung gi and nichkhun is dating Tiffany
Yoona's last name is Im. Im Yoona. :D
Im Yoona's boyfriend is not certainly known.
Yoona's birth name is Im Yoona.
Im Yoona was born on 1990-05-30.
Yoona is 21 years old (birthdate: May 30, 1990).
Of course Im Yoona
kim do jin
Im Yoon-Ah
It's "Im" or "임".
Im yoona