I think it looks like Sam Elliot. It is Billy Currington himself!
Abe Stoklasa
Walk a Little Straighter
Michael McDonald
Good directions, by Billy currington
billy Currington is a/an Singer,songwriter
Billy Currington's birth name is William Matthew Currington.
Billy Currington goes by Wild Bill.
Billy Currington was born on November 19, 1973.
Billy Currington was born on November 19, 1973.
billy Currington was born on November 19, 1973
Billy Currington is most famous for being an American country singer, from Savannah Georgia, USA. He has had four country albums and is 39 years old .
Enjoy Yourself - Billy Currington album - was created on 2010-09-21.
Well its like this huh billy currington ain't single he has a girlfriend her name happens too be me katina
Billy Currington