

Best Answer

Paul Banks-33

Daniel Kessler-36

Sam Foragino-42

Carlos Dengler-36

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Q: How old are the members of Interpol?
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Which countries are not members of interpol?

is Russia and Israel members

What is the number of Interpol personnel employed?

Interpol has approximately 650 staff members from 89 different countries employed at the Interpol General Secretariat in Lyon France, seven Regional Bureaus and Liaison offices around the world.

How many interpol members?

there is 188 member countries in interpol but if you mean agents, nobody (except maybe a computer) knows that number, but we do know there is more than 550

How old is Paul Banks from Interpol?

Paul Banks was born May 3, 1978, he's 33 years old. He became a member of the band, Interpol in 1997.

What is the new interpol album called?

Well, honey, the new Interpol album is called "Marauder." So put on your dancing shoes and get ready to rock out to some moody tunes. Just make sure to keep a tissue handy for those inevitable emo moments.

How can you get an Interpol clearance?

How can I get interpol clearance

How old is Daniel Kessler from Interpol?

Daniel Kessler was born on September 25, 1974.

How old is Sam Fogarino from Interpol?

Sam Fogarino was born August 8, 1968, he's 43 years old.

What is the budget of Interpol?

The budget of Interpol is 59,000,000 euros.

Where is the headqueters of INTERPOL?

INTERPOL Headquarters: INTERPOL General Secretariat 200, quai Charles de Gaulle 69006 Lyon France Visit the INTERPOL website for more information.

Does interpol have an office in Spain you are searching for an interpol officer in Spain named paul martinez diaz is there such a person connected with interpol in Spain?

INTERPOL does have an office in Madrid. Contact INTERPOL headquarters for that contact information: INTERPOL General Secretariat 200, quai Charles de Gaulle 69006 Lyon France

What is Interpol arrest authority and where do they get it from?

Interrpol has no arrest powers, within or without members countries. Chiefly, they act as clearinghouse for criminal activities and suspects.