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A bassoon can play 4 octaves.

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Q: How octaves does a bassoon have?
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Related questions

Does a bassoon have a high pitch?

Yes I can get mine to G two octaves above middle C

What is the lowest on the bassoon and how many octaves is it below middle c?

Bb 2 octives below middle C

What do you call a person that plays the bassoon?

Typically the double bassoon (or contrabassoon) is given to the third or fourth chair bassoon, leaving the principal bassoon to play the 1st bassoon part and the 2nd chair bassoon to play the 2nd bassoon part. In some cases the double bassoon part is an auditioned spot, meaning that someone specifically auditioned for the double bassoon.

What is the timbre of bassoon?

Not on a bassoon maybe a Tenon??

What notes does the oboe play?

It plays every note. The Oboe is a double reed instrument and has a 4 - 5 octave range. If you can hear low and high notes the Oboe can play them. The bassoon plays the lower octaves, it is also a double reed instrument.

How do you use the word bassoon in a sentence?

He played the bassoon beautifully in the orchestra.

What is duoble bassoon?

It is another name for a contra bassoon.

What pitch does the bassoon have?

The bassoon is pitched in the Key of C.

Which country is the bassoon from?

The bassoon originated from France at about 1636.

What is the pitch of the bassoon?

The bassoon is pitched in c-concert

Where can you find a bassoon?

i have a bassoon and i play it very well

How was the bassoon invented how and when the bassoon invented what was the bassoon made of?

The bassoon is made out of wood or plastic. They evelved from the Dulcian the had like 4 keys most of the note changes were in embassure. the bassoon came to be around the 1600's-1700's