The U.S. military have placed a bounty of 10 million usd on his head.
bin laden is more famous
u have to get married to bin laden first...
yes, just like osama bin laden is becoming one of jesus' apostles.
It is all about our economy and in his opinion (and many others) how poorly of a job former President Bush was doing. He uses the term " mosh " as in to join together and to speak up together on how we feel. He also says in the song "If i get sniped tonight, you know why because I told ya to fight," meaning if he gets put down by critics, the press, and/or anyone else is because he is one of the few speaking up and he is asking his fans to join him. He also goes into how he feels that we should not have the government get away with blaming Bin Laden for the purposes of entering the war. If you watch the music video, you see Bin Laden, then a backdrop behind him fall, with American Officials behind him. Someone of the newspapers in the back of his apartment in the music video also say things to the effect of "Bush knew."
Expedition of Abdur Rahman bin Auf happened in -627.
$1.28 Trillion.
he is worth as much as the ground you walk on or the cost of a bullet
Mohammed bin 'Awad bin Laden was the father of Osama bin Laden.
You get millions of dollars perhaps billions (maybe)
Osama bin Laden's full name was Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden.
Yes the Bin Laden family was rich because the owned a building company and he inherited some of the money.
Osama bin Laden's father's name was Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden.
Osama bin Muhammed bin Awad Bin Laden, or more shortened Osama Bin Laden.
He changed his name to Obama Bin Laden. lol (actually, crying out load).
Osama bin Laden's birth name is Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden.
two, fatima bin laden and farhana bin laden
two, fatima bin laden and farhana bin laden