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How old is which Trombone? Trombones made a hundred years ago are 100 years old. Those made today are called "brand new".

This might help: the trombone was developed around the mid-1400s. At the time, it was the only brass instrument to be able to play chromatically, that is all the notes of a scale!

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14y ago
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15y ago

The length, from leadpipe to bell, not including the slides from the valves is 12 to 18 feet. The tuba itself is about 100 to 120 cm tall (I think).

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16y ago

The length of the tuba varies depending upon its key. The B-Bflat tuba (a common tuba to start out on) is approx. 18 feet in length.

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12y ago

A tuba can range from 2ft to 5ft depending on which tuba you have.

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12y ago

53 years old

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8y ago

Nearly 180 years.

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Is a C tuba and a contrabass tuba the same thing?

No, the contra-bass tuba is much larger than the C tuba.

How much does tuba buyukustun weigh?

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How much does a tuba wiegh?

A tuba weighs about 20-25 pounds.

Which is heavier a trumpet or a tuba?

The tuba, by far. It's a much larger instrument.

How much does the tuba cost?

well if your a student, then about $4500, if you wanna get a pro tuba then about $8000.

Which instrument changed to produce the sousaphone?

Tuba! Tuba! Tuba! Tuba!

Where do tuba tuba plants grow?

the tuba tuba plant could be found in the Philippines.

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the tuba is the largest

What is the plural of tuba?

The plural of tuba is tubas.

Is the trombone the largest major instrument?

No, it's not. The tuba is much larger.

What is the answer to this plexer puzzle BA BA?

It is Tuba because there is two ba's and it stands for tuba

What is largest brass instrument?

The tuba is the largest brass instrument with the largest mouthpiece. In marching the Sousaphone and the Contrabass bugle (known as contra) are marching versions of the tuba. The contra is the lowest-pitched, largest, and heaviest marching instrument.