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there are six strings on a guitar

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Q: How many strings are there on a guitar?
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How many strings your on a guitar?

That depends on the guitar! On a Tenor guitar there are four strings, on a standard guitar there are six strings, and there are twelve strings on a twelve string guitar.

How many strings are there in a guitar?

There are fours strings.

How many strings does the resonator guitar have?

6 strings like a regular guitar

How many strings are on a folk guitar?

There are 6 strings on a folk guitar as with most guitars, except for 12 strings.

How many stRings on a standard classic guitar?

A standard classical guitar has 6 strings.

How many strings does acoustics guitar have?

6 strings

How many strings does a blues guitar have?

A blues guitar has the same amount of strings as any other guitar: 6

How many strings does a electrical guitar have?

The electric guitar has 6 strings tuned to E A D G B E

How many strings are on a acoustick guitar?

Only 6 strings.

How many strings to the guitar have?


How many strings are their on a guitar?


Do guitar have metal strings?

Guitar strings are made of many different substances. One of the most common is metal. Often a bass guitar will have copper-bound steel strings.