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Whether an ISOTOPE (not element) is naturally radioactive depends not only on the number of protons, but also on the number of neutrons. For EVERY element, there are radioactive isotopes.There has to be a certain relationship between the number of protons and the number of neutrons, but the relationship isn't a simple one.

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Q: How many protons are needed for a element to be naturally radioactive?
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What element has 46 protons and 55 neutrons?

The number of protons defines an element - the number of neutrons isn't needed to find the identity of the element. All ions and isotopes with 44 protons is ruthenium. However, with the information about the neutrons, we know the specific isotope: 101Ru.

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The element with 6 neutrons and 6 protons is carbon.

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An element is defined a "type of atom"; to be more precise, all the atoms in an element have the same number of protons (but not necessarily the same number of neutrons).

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In a Nuclear reaction, an atom of one element changes into another element or into an isotope of the first one, depending on what sort of radioactive decay it undergoes. The Nucleus of every atom contains Neutrons and Protons. All the Protons being positively charged repel each other. Hence a large Nuclear Force called Binding Force acts on all the protons and keeps them forced into the Nucleus. When the number of protons in the nucleus decreases due to a Nuclear reaction, the amount of force needed to hold all the protons in the Nucleus decreases. The remaining force is given out as heat energy.

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An element with 11 protons will have atomic number 11, or sodium. If the element has 11 neutrons, then it has an atomic mass of 11+11 = 22. Therefore, the isotope Sodium-22 has 11 protons, neutrons, and electrons.

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The number 17 in 35Cl represents the atomic mass of chlorine, which is the sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. Since the atomic number (number of protons) is sufficient to uniquely identify an element, the number 17 is not needed to describe chlorine.

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An atom with an atomic number of 8 has 8 protons. Protons are equal in number to the atomic number of an element.

What does element 115 look like?

Element 115, also known as moscovium, is a synthetic element that has only been produced in labs and not found in nature. Due to its short half-life, it quickly decays into lighter elements. As a result, there are no physical samples of moscovium for us to observe its appearance.

What does it mean oxygen has 8 protons?

In an Oxygen atom's nucleus, there are 8 protons. In a neutral atom, there are also 8 electrons. Oxygen also has an atomic (protonic) number of 8, meaning that it has 8 protons. On the periodic table, elements are listed according to increasing atomic numbers.

If an element has 3 isotopes with known natural abundance percentages what other information is needed to find the average atomic mass of the element?

You still need to know the number of protons present in order to find the atomic mass.

Atoms are composed of protons and electrons?

Atoms are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons have a positive charge, neutrons have no charge, and electrons have a negative charge. The number of protons in an atom determines its atomic number and element, while the combination of protons and neutrons determines its atomic mass.

What is the element with charge if needed with 23 protons 28 neutrons and 18 electrons with a net charge of 3 plus?

The element is vanadium (V) because it has 23 protons. With 18 electrons and a net charge of 3 plus, it would have lost 3 electrons, resulting in a net charge of +3. The number of neutrons (28) does not affect the charge or identity of the element.