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Seven notes (and their variations) can be played on a piano. A, A flat, C, C sharp, C flat, etc. There are seven notes: A, B, C, D, E, F and G. On a standard piano there are 88 keys. Every one of them is one of the seven notes or variations of a note.

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15y ago

In theory, 88, since a standard piano has 88 keys. In actual practice, 10, since a normal piano player has 10 fingers. But then again, there are pieces for "piano four hands", which means two people playing on one piano, and such a piece could have 20 simultaneous notes. And, of course, you could hold down the sustain pedal and do a glissando down the keyboard and get *all* the notes ringing at once, I guess. So it's a matter of definition.

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15y ago

there sre the a,b,c,d,e,f,g notes and all their sharps and flats. so there are about 21 notes. note including the high or low notes but just the general notes.

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