The genre of the song Fireflies by Owl City is electronica.
No. The song 'Fireflies' was sung by the band 'Owl City'.
The song "Fireflies" is composed by Adam Young, who is also known as Owl City.
Fireflies really has nothing whatsoever to do with transcendentalism, although the song does speak of the beauty in nature (the fireflies).
"Fireflies" by Owl City talks about "ten million fireflies," but also mentions "ten thousand lightning bugs. If you mean how many times the word "fireflies" is said in the song, it is said twice.
Fireflies - song - was created in 2008.
The genre of the song Fireflies by Owl City is electronica.
No. The song 'Fireflies' was sung by the band 'Owl City'.
'Fireflies' by Owl City was written in 2009.
Many parodies have been made of Fireflies, but the most popular one (set in Ikea) was by Dave Days.
Owl City sings and rights the song "Fireflies." It's a real good song!
You can listen to the song Fireflies by Owl City by clicking on the link below.
Midis can't be found for the song Fireflies, but you could transfer an MP3 of the song with a file converter program.
The song "Fireflies" is composed by Adam Young, who is also known as Owl City.
A song with a lot of metaphors is Hello Seattle by Owl City