

Best Answer

brian wilson: 'smile' album, mrs oleary's cow instrumental

bruce johnston: 'i write the songs' : composer

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Q: How many members of the Beach Boys have won a Grammy?
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Related questions

How many people were there in the original Beach Boys band?

In the original Beach Boys banc there were five members.

How many beach boys are there?

there are 4 beach boys

How many boys died?

Only two members of The Beach Boys have died, Carl Wilson from cancer and Dennis Wilson from accidental drowning.

How many beach boys are still alive?

As of February 2010 these 'Beach Boys' are still alive and well. Current Members Brian Wilson, Mike Love, Al Jardine, Bruce Johnston. Former members David Marks, Ricky Fataar, Blondie Chaplin, Glen Campbell.

How many beach boys actually surfed?

like 1 or two

How many members are in the boy band boys to men?


How many songs did the beach boys sing?

It's not all that clear because there were quite a few people in the beach boys who made a number of songs with different members. It's best to say 'lots' considering the actual number is debatable. In the links section I'll put a link to a list of all their songs.

Which sport featured in many of the Beach Boys earliest hits?

u suck

How many members are there on

How many members are there on one knows for sure, (except for Miley Cyrus, of course) but there is about I think an estimate of 1,000,000 girls/boys (yes, boys go on!) on there. If you want to know how many members are online right when you log on, you can look to the right and there will be something saying, "There are _____ members online." Also, it will name all of the members. For example, smileymiley452.

How many boys in music group JLS?

there is 4 jls members in the band

How many hits did The Beach Boys have?

they had 36 top 40 hits in the US 1962-1988

Which group sang the song 'Wendy'?

Beach BoysAnother answer:"Windy" was a #1 hit for a California "sunshine pop" group called The Association in 1967.