Since November 2011, she has over 10Million followers on Twitter, and is one of the most popular women on the internet.
Yes Beyonce has a twitter .
Their follower number changes all the time. As of March 12th 2012 they have 2,156,782 followers. Follow the related link to their official Twitter page where you can check how many they currently have.
She has 39,609,731 likes on Facebook and 11,790,666 followers on Twitter.
50K = 50,000 Niall only reached 8k (8,000,000+ twitter followers)
Yes Beyonce has a twitter .
Beyonce's twitter is She never tweets though.
They don't have Twitter.
He has more than 35,600 followers on Twitter
As of September 5, 2012, Eminem has 12,235,047 followers on Twitter.
The number of followers that he has changes daily. Follow the related link to his Twitter account to see how many followers he currently has.
He doesn't have Twitter.
As of July 2012, Cody Simpson has 2,879,480 followers on Twitter.
2 454 656 followers.
He has 14.9 million followers on Twitter
Its 10380736 followers right now ! (:
According to Twitter, Andi Pink has 509 followers. The site does suggest that she has a secondary Twitter account but does not provide a link to that site.