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I for each note except for the few highest notes

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Q: How many dampers does a piano have?
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Related questions

How was the piano improved?

With faster keys, more notes, dampers, the soft pedal and the legato pedal.

What are the types of dampers used in buildings?

Liquid filled dampers Air filled dampers Mechanical dampers Rubber pad dampers Spiral dampers

What effect does pressing the left hand pedal on the piano have?

The left hand pedal on a piano is the soft pedal, it softens the sound (makes it quieter) by pressing the dampers (pads that rest against the strings to stop the sound from ringing) harder against the strings. The right pedal which is called the damper pedal releases the dampers from the strings, causing the notes to be sustained. The middle pedal is called a "Sostenuto Pedal" and it removes the dampers from the only the notes that are played when the pedal is depressed, therefore sustaining some and not others.

Why are seismic dampers?

why are seismic dampers important

Which website offers a good tutorial on how to install chimney dampers?

Most individuals will employ a professional to install chimney dampers. However there are tutorials on many chimney maintenance topics including the installation of dampers on Chimneycricket.

Why are seismic dampers important?

why are seismic dampers important

What are three names of the piano pedals?

The far left pedal on some pianos when pressed, will sustain the lower half of the piano. This ideal for holding down a chord for a long time or when both hands are needed higher up on the piano. It's rarely used. However on some pianos, it's used to lightly soften the sound of the piano. The middle pedal is the practice pedal. It dramatically softens the sound of the piano. The far right pedal is the sustain pedal. It lifts the dampers on the piano so that every note that is hit, keeps ringing until the pedal is released, dropping the dampers and stopping the sound. A side note to this is that the functions of each pedal varies from piano to piano, although, the far right sustain pedal is the same on ever piano.

Does the grand piano have the same parts the upright piano?

A grand has the same essential parts , that is ,hammers to strike the strings when the keys are pressed and felt dampers that are lifted away from the strings when they are struck. The linkage of the hammers to the keys is different and simpler in a grand.

What are seismic dampers and why are they important?

Seismic dampers are devices used in building construction to protect the buildings against earthquake and other seismic events.

How many piano keys in 1 piano?

88 keys

Where can one find more information about steering dampers?

One can find more information about steering dampers by vising a local Department of Motor Vehicles and scanning/reading through the available brochures. Most Department of Motor Vehicles have free brochures and pamphlets regarding steering dampers.

How many songs from the musical 'Phantom of the Opera' are played on the piano?

All of the can be played on piano and have piano acompaniements.