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The length of a Flute varies between makes

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13y ago

27 inches, I believe

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16y ago

20 inches

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Q: How long is a flute case?
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Related questions

What are some high quality flute case brands?

Many high quality flute case brands are available on the market. Some examples of these high quality flute case brands include Yahama, Azumi, and Pearl.

Is washing your flute with water bad for it?

If your flute gets wet it wont hurt the body of the flute, but it will cause the pads to swell and fall off. If your flute gets wet. Dry it off and leave it in the case with the case open all night. If you put it in the case and close it the moisture will collect and ruin the pads and make the flute smell bad.

Do flutes fit in any case?

if the case is for a flute then yeah it fits.

How do you work the azure flute code in platinum with action replay?

What you have to do with the Azure Flute,Is Go Back to the place where Giratina was,Use The Azure Flute,&then after you use it,there should be a long stairway case,Go Up and walk forward,& Then The ULTIMATE-LEGENDARY Pokemon Arcues Apperas :)

Does the word flute have a long U sound?

The word "flute" has the long OO sound, as in boot, moot, and suit.

Does flute have a long vowel sound?

Yes, the word "flute" has a long vowel sound in the letter "u," pronounced as "floo-t."

What is the difference between a flute and a cello?

A flute is a wind instument, a cello is a string instrument. You can carry a flute, in its case, in a backpack. You need a car, or truck , to carry a Cello

Is flute a short vowel word?

No, "flute" is not a short vowel word. It contains the long vowel sound "oo" as in "flu-te."

Does flute have a long u sound?

No, the word "flute" does not have a long u sound. It is pronounced with a long "u" sound followed by a "t" sound.

What vowel sound does flute make?

Flute has a long U (long OO) sound, and a silent E. It rhymes with chute or shoot.

What shape is the flute?

Depends on what flute you are discussing...but the modern orchestral flute bore is cylindrical. (Piccolo, by the way, is conical.)

How long will it take to save up for a new flute if I am getting 20 dollars a week?

That will depend on the price of the flute.