A guitar can make different sounds in many ways.
The most obvious has to do with changing the tuning of the instrument by turning the tuning pegs on the headstock. Standard tuning is E A D G B E, from the fattest strings down to the highest strings. Guitars can also be tuned other ways for different effects.
Many contemporary Guitarists will tune their guitars down one or more whole steps (e.g. D G C F A D). Acoustic guitarists will explore a wide range of different tunings, many of which will play a chord when all open strings are strummed.
Other ways that guitars can make different sounds have to do with what causes the string to vibrate. Fingers will make a different sound than you will get by using a pick (or plectrum). Some acoustic players will grow the fingernails of their "picking" hands out and use them as picks. Even picks can be used in various ways to get different sounds. The sharp tip of a pick will give a brighter tone than the rounded ends of the pick. Some guitarists may even use the edge of their plectrum to pick strings. A few guitarists have tried unusual objects to vibrate their strings, like coins, magnetic devices or violin bows. Each gives a different sound.
Plucking the string at different points will also give you a different sound. Picking very close to the bridge will produce a bright sound. Picking closer to the fretboard will give a warmer sound. Experiment with your own guitar.
Make music or sounds.
It produced by the sounds.
Typically, guitar amps have a clean and overdrive channel. Selecting different channels will allow you to adjust different equalizers and pre-amplifiers, delivering different sounds.
if i had to put a sound to it would be a sort of twang or ping.
I'm pretty sure that means that it models other guitar sounds. Its probably a reference to something like a Line 6 Variax guitar - it is programmed to be able to switch between tons of different guitar sounds. Look it up on musicians friend website, go to guitar center and try it out (if they have it).
There are a number of different sounds a guitar can produce. It can be an Electric Guitar or an acoustic guitar both of which sound very different.
Each brand guitar makes a different sound,one guitar may be better than another,it could be the pickups,or the tuning. It could be anything.
It produced by the sounds.
an Indian instrument similar to guitar but sounds different. sounds annoying
the different tautness helps make different sounds like a guitar. tighter strings = higher sound
That depends on what type of guitar you are using
the pickups on an electric guitar are just magnets. they pickup the vibrations of the strings to make the sound. depending on the position and the magnets, the guitar will get different sounds.
to make bands sound better or to let people enjoy many different sounds to go with music
Make music or sounds.
It produced by the sounds.
to make the music sounds awesome
Typically, guitar amps have a clean and overdrive channel. Selecting different channels will allow you to adjust different equalizers and pre-amplifiers, delivering different sounds.