No. Radio/television waves do not affect the temperature, but usage of radios and televisions definitely does.
Life FM - radio network - was created in 1994.
Radio Caroline is alive and well and even has a website with their daily schedule; see the link below.
It does't affect it.
these ionised particles,reflect the radio wave to earth back.depending on the density of the ionosphere,at the time determins the amound of radio waves.this will affect clear reception.the height of the ionosphere involves reflecting angle,which gives long length this way long distance communications are affect by ionosphere.
how the globalization and internet affect your daily life
How do we use the number 80 in are daily life?
grinding them throwing them
yourr mum
its used in aircrafts
its all a lie
I need this aswell :(
hush mfer
Christianity can affect daily life in a positive way if deeply committed. Times of prayer, meditation, and reading can add a new perspective.
If the walls in your house were not perpendicular they would probably topple over and you would no longer have a daily life for perpendicular lines to affect.
it can affect it from where people are and what they do
It affected their daily lives by the heat and that they will die