The lyrics to the song "Sweet Home Alabama" by Lynyrd Skynyrd can be found on many sites such as Metro Lyrics or Lyrics Freak. There was some controversy surrounding "Sweet Home Alabama" as portions of the lyrics allude to issues dealing with racism and scandals.
Oak Ridge Boys
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Lynyrd Skynrd
go to
go to google and search sweet home alabama guitar chords.
Yes they are. The song sweet home Alabama (live)
Sweet Home Alabama was created in 1973-06.
sweet home Alabama was wrote in June of 1973
Sweet Home Alabama - 2011 Sweet Home Alabama Outtakes and Updates was released on: USA: 19 October 2011 Hungary: 19 November 2012
Sweet Home Alabama
The duration of Sweet Home Alabama - film - is 1.82 hours.
Sweet home Alabama
You need to get to a certain level to unlock some songs.
Sweet Home Alabama grossed $127,214,072 in the domestic market.
Sweet Home Alabama - film - was created on 2002-09-27.
The Production Budget for Sweet Home Alabama was $38,000,000.