Ed Shear un
Un-seal-y Gaelic wouldn't pronounce a long e. An American/English pronunciation of the common spelling, "unseelie," is fine, but not the same. "un-sel-lay"
Vught= vv-ugh-t
My un-educated guess would be: Fill-in-teh, with some emphasis on the second syllable
Sib ntsib dua to pronounce it, you say: si tchi dua
synopsis synopsis synopsis
"la grenouille verte d'arbre"
It is said un as in Under.
tutu dua
Chaussures Pronounce as : Sho-ssuerr
Mite o con dree un
Un balo in maskera
In French, the number 31 is pronounced as "trente-et-un."
"un chaton"