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Saint Saens is pronounced as "sahn sahn." The first name is pronounced as "sahn" with a nasal 'n' sound at the end, and the last name is pronounced as "sahn" with a silent 's' at the end. The emphasis is on the first syllable of both names.

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14y ago

Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns (English pronunciation: saint saens) was a very famous french composer, organist, conductor and pianist especially known for "The Carnival of the Animals".

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Did saint-saens come from saint-saens?

Camille Saint-Saens was Born in Paris, France on 9 October 1835.

What were camille saint saens hobbies?

camille saint saens's hobbies were to play music

What is saint-saens date of birth?

Camille Saint Saens was born in Paris France 1835

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Camille Saint-Saens was born in Paris on October 9, 1835.

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Saint Saens is the name of a French composer and not a Catholic saint. Therefore, there is no feast day.

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the ten pieces that saint saens wrote were called the Carnival of the Animals

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Camille Saint saens was born on Oct. 9, 1835, Paris, France

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"The Swan," from Saint-Saens's Carnival of the Animals, is played by a solo cello, accompanied by two pianos.

Who is cammile saint Sean?

Camille Saint-Saens was a 19C French composer