A closed hole flute is more popular of beginning flutist.
a flute
If by "bottom hole" you mean the round hole at the end, then no. Most of the sound of a flute comes out near where the mouthpiece is
The head joint is the 2nd shortest piece of the flute with the hole.
A closed hole flute is more popular of beginning flutist.
a flute
5th hole of the flute
The embouchure hole on a western style flute is the hole across which you blow to play. It is on the lip plate which is located on the headjoint.
If by "bottom hole" you mean the round hole at the end, then no. Most of the sound of a flute comes out near where the mouthpiece is
just hold all those hole of the flute.
The head joint is the 2nd shortest piece of the flute with the hole.
what do you mean..............
The sound of a flute is made by blowing across the lip plate hole.
When you blow across the embouchure hole, the air that goes inside the flute vibrates. When you open a hole, the air is released from being trapped in the flute and goes out of that way. the air that vibrates is sometimes called the air-spring, and the shorter it is,the higher it is.