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8 oz. white craft glue

1 cup warm water

1 cup cold water

1 1/2 teaspoons of Borax powder

4 drops of food coloring

step 1. mix warm water and borax powder together untill it dissoves

step 2. in a seperat container mix glue and normal water along with the food coloring

step 3. mix the borax water and the foor coloring water.

step 4. stir for about a minute and you will see results!

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His name was Augustus Gloop. He didn't make it past the chocolate mixing room.

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Agustus Gloop got the first Golden Ticket in "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory". Hope This Helps :)

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Philip Wiegratz played Augustus Gloop .

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yes plants yellow hot silly pepper+purple moon orchid+purple moon orchid=gloop

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The character, Augustis Gloop, in the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was not so much a nincompoop but impertinent, disobedient, and headstrong.

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Michael Bollner played Augustus Gloop in the 1971 Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory.THANK IMDB FOR THE ANSWER

How do you make or find gloop glue on moshi monsters on mission four?

get some of the slime off of your plane that crashed when Dr. Strangeglove glopped you

How do you get the goop thing on moshi monsters?

write gloop ball

How do you take out the gloop from diy shop in moshi monsters?

It isn't possible because it automatically gets less every day so just keep playing the remove the gloop game