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Q: How do you make a Twisted Sister Red Bull drink?
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A drink you make with red bull?

The Jägerbomb (sometimes Jagbomb) is a cocktail that is mixed by dropping a shot of Jägermeister into a glass of Red Bull.[1] It is called a "Jäger-Bull" in some English bars.

How do you make the alcoholic drink called a Jagerbomb?

Ingredients: * Jägermeister 1 shot * Red Bull 1/2 can Preparation: Pour 1/2 can Red Bull into glass. Pour 1 shot glass Jägermeister. Drop shot of Jägermeister into glass of Red Bull. Quickly now, drink the whole thing. Repeat as necessary. (And yes, it will be.) Race when available.

Does ''what'' ''bull'' make any sense?

no because their can not be what bull.what bull is not also a sentence

How much does a bull stock contractor make?

how much does a bull stock contrctor make

Do they use bull sperm in red bull?

bull sperm is used to make babys

How do you make an energy potion?

mix a monster, a red bull, and a rock-star energy drink together, if you want to go crazy, or stay up for 24 hours.

Can you drink red bull before a blood test?

I don't think that would be a good idea, because RedBull, having a lot of caffeine in it, can make your blood sticky.

What is the significance of the twisting in twisted-pair cable?

The twisting in a twisted pair cable helps make the cable immune to electromagnetic interference. These cables are of two types: Shielded and unshielded twisted pair.

Can you make Red Bull?

No, but it can make you jittery.

How do you make yourself stay up all night?

Drink a lot of caffeine and red bull and look at light; computers, cells, TV etc. Try to avoid laying down.