You ask either the composer or his/her publisher. If you are lucky enough to receive permission (very rare, btw) you will need then to give proper credits due to whomever let you use their work.
You can easily get the Lyrics of Latest Hindi Songs Lyrics, Hindi Lyrics by Singers, Music Directors, Movie Titles and Music Composers source
Although you don't list the composers from whom you want us to choose, the name you require is Leonard Bernstein. (The lyrics were written by Stephen Sondheim.)
There are many composers in the folk music genre. You will need to make your question a bit more specific.
music and lyrics = song music and no lyrics = music
You can easily get the Lyrics of Latest Hindi Songs Lyrics, Hindi Lyrics by Singers, Music Directors, Movie Titles and Music Composers source
Although you don't list the composers from whom you want us to choose, the name you require is Leonard Bernstein. (The lyrics were written by Stephen Sondheim.)
You need to contact ASCAP. The American Society of Composers Authors and Publishers.
Yes, you need permission. You bought the right to listen to the music, not take it and use it for your own profit and work.
Which musical? In general, the term is "librettist" for the guy who writes the music and "lyricist" for the guy who writes the lyrics (words).
To obtain permission to use song lyrics in your project, you need to contact the copyright holder of the lyrics, typically the music publisher or the songwriter. You can request permission by sending a formal written request outlining how you plan to use the lyrics and any relevant details about your project. Be prepared to negotiate terms and potentially pay a licensing fee for the use of the lyrics.
The compass rose is the compass pointing North, South, East, and West, on a map.
There are many composers in the folk music genre. You will need to make your question a bit more specific.
Yes indeed! The other artist "owns" the music, the lyrics and the rights to it. You must get their permission in writing.
If you mean "whats the diff". "lyrics" are words that people sing and "music" is another word for tune or really another word for any sound in general.
Classical Indian music is improvisedso there are no composers as such.