"Friday" was written by Patrice Wilson of Ark Music Factory. Ark Music Factory provides a service that allows parents to pay a fee and Ark Music Factory will provide a song and produce a music video starring their child. Rebecca was given a choice of two songs and chose this one because the other was "too adult."
Hi, You Could possibly try Ark Music Factory?
Rebecca Black is not a Disney music artist. Her "Friday" recording was produced by the vanity music label Ark Music Factory.
The band The Ark enjoys many types of music as well as performs music that they wrote. The genre of music that they write and perform is rock music.
ARK Music Factory Rebecca Black 16752 Debra Cirl Huntington Beach, CA 92647 US
ARK Music Factory was created in 2010.
She has a music video called 'Butterflies' from Ark Music Factory.
clerance jey and patrice willison
Her mother paid either $2000 or $4000 (reports vary) to Ark Music Factory. In return Ark Music Factory let her choose a song from their catalog and produced a video for her to star in.
"Friday" was written by Patrice Wilson of Ark Music Factory. Ark Music Factory provides a service that allows parents to pay a fee and Ark Music Factory will provide a song and produce a music video starring their child. Rebecca was given a choice of two songs and chose this one because the other was "too adult."
Hi, You Could possibly try Ark Music Factory?
Jenna Rose sings "My Jeans"
ARK stands for Acts of Random Kindness. It promotes small acts of kindness to spread positivity and make a difference in someone's day.
she is a singer who is aged 14 and has a song called 'Butterflies" on youtube by ark music factory.
Ark Music Factory is a record label in LA. As far as I am aware, it is not for sale, so you can't buy it. Don't listen to the guy above. He's an idiot. To have them produce and write you a song it will take 2000 smackaroos out of your parents pocket.
Rebecca Black is not a Disney music artist. Her "Friday" recording was produced by the vanity music label Ark Music Factory.
Patrice Wilson of Ark Music Factory who also wrote the song.