noyes,she had braces.......i think. dont know.
I am almost positive that he didn't. Actually he didn't have any braces so your right. He does have braces...i think, but he doesnt wear them while filming. look at this He doesnt hve any braces his teeth are perfect why would he need them?
he got braces when he was 8
She had braces for a long time ...
What colour are Matty b's braces
I dont think you can take your braces off yourself i think you need to go to a orthadontist
well, there is no ageing requirement to have a retaner,but you do need it after you dont wear braces
people who dont need braces or any other things to straighten their teeth
I went to the dentist in June and my dentist said I need braces but my parents ignore me every time I remind them of braces
you can still do this but you will have to get used to it with braces, people speak like you dont have a life if you have braces but actually they dont stop you from doing anything you would before!
no dogs don't need braces
A dentist will usually tell you if you need braces or not.
Fortunately, I do not need to have braces put in right now. When I was a child, I had to have braces during two different periods of my life. If you thnk you need braces, please see an orthodontist.
Well if you want braces you can't really get them but if you need braces you have to go into an orthidontis
they will feel sore after getting them put on a wee while after it, but not enough that you should stay off school :) just need to watch what you eat so you dont break them.
Complain about your teeth You dont. You go to the orthodontist. Actually, it's only NEEDED if you have an overbite or a crossbite or an under bite. Or if you have crooked teeth. Braces are VERY expensive, and I tell you, they are NOT fun to have! You cant eat sugar for 6 weeks or else you teeth will rot where they glued the square on.