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Ok so I'm assuming you know how to play a G natural on a Flute. SO place your hands where you would a G natural and with you right hand put your index finger (pointer finger) on the corresponding key. Now you have a f natural in your low and middle registar.

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Q: How do you finger a F natural pn flute?
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What note is G?

Open "G" First Finger "A" Second Finger "B" Third Finger "B sharp" Fourth Finger "C"

On a flute how do you do ab?

A flat? Do the fingering for F. Take off your right hand but keep your little finger on the first lever. For your left hand, push down the lever to the left side of your flute with your little finger, and blow (of course).

For the flute what are the notes in the D flat scale?

D flat E flat F natural F sharp A flat B flat C natural D flat (:

How do you play just dance on the flute?

it depends on what flute your trying to play it on, if its a Bb flute then the notes are; F-F-F-F G-G-G-G F-F-F-F A-A-A-A then repeat.

How do you play a G on the flute?

You play a G just like the F but the first finger on the end has to be up. So when you're holding the flute you should have you Right Hand on the flute (except your pinky) And your Left Hand you should only have your pinky on. Sorry if its confusing..

Related questions

How do you finger a high F flat on a flute?

Same as E-natural.

What note is G?

Open "G" First Finger "A" Second Finger "B" Third Finger "B sharp" Fourth Finger "C"

Is the e natural in the f scale for the flute?


How do you finger an F sharp on a flute?

Hold down every key on your left hand (apart from G#) and your fourth finger on your right hand. Tra la! F#

On a flute how do you do ab?

A flat? Do the fingering for F. Take off your right hand but keep your little finger on the first lever. For your left hand, push down the lever to the left side of your flute with your little finger, and blow (of course).

For the flute what are the notes in the D flat scale?

D flat E flat F natural F sharp A flat B flat C natural D flat (:

How do you play just dance on the flute?

it depends on what flute your trying to play it on, if its a Bb flute then the notes are; F-F-F-F G-G-G-G F-F-F-F A-A-A-A then repeat.

How do you play top F on the flute?

If you know where you put your fingers you do Oo OO O o ^(that is the little finger key) ^(that is the thumb key)

What are the fingers for F on flute?

The first two fingers and thumb on your left hand and the first two fingers on your right hand and no pinky finger.

How do you play g on the flute?

You play a G just like the F but the first finger on the end has to be up. So when you're holding the Flute you should have you Right Hand on the flute (except your pinky) And your Left Hand you should only have your pinky on. Sorry if its confusing..

How do you play a G on the flute?

You play a G just like the F but the first finger on the end has to be up. So when you're holding the flute you should have you Right Hand on the flute (except your pinky) And your Left Hand you should only have your pinky on. Sorry if its confusing..

What is the fingering for C sharp on the recorder?

The fingering is: Thumb on hole at the back, and 3rd finger on 2nd hole.