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First of all, remember the rage is not about you, it is about the narcissist. Everything is always about the narcissist. Once you operate from that standpoint it is easier to deal with the issue at hand. Do not try to reason or explain anything in hopes to calm the narcissist, this will likely only draw you further criticism and confrontation. Essentially, without obviously backing down and providing another opportunity for enragement, defuse by accepting the narcissists view for the moment. I am not saying you should actually agree, but for the sake of the moment, agree with the key points without appearing condescending. As soon as possible, remove yourself from the situation and remind yourself that a narcissist lives in an imaginary world of their own making, and within that world there is often no room for logic or another's viewpoint. It's not personal, even though it can feel exquisitely personal, it's about THEM. THEY cannot tolerate feeling whatever they are confronting - lack of control, embarrassment, boredom, etc. If you are a close intimate of a narcissist you provide the role of easy target for many varied disappointments. Have you noticed how you are suddenly quite powerful, somehow causing events not even remotely connected to you? Sure sign you are the whipping-person of a narcissist. Do not think you can change this person. You cannot. Get away while you are still sane.

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Q: How do you confront a narcissistic rage?
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narcissistic rage That is one but there are others. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Mania, Depression, there are many. I would recommend a professional looking at the pattern in the instances of rage before anyone is hurt.

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In my research I have learned that the recommended approach is to ignore intead of confront. Confrontation will only invoke more rage through projection against you. The best you can hope for is that he will replace you quickly with another and leave you alone. After that you can start anew.

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You do not have to confront a manipulator at all if you do not want too. You already know the person is a manipulator and they have narcissistic traits so don't worry about hurting their feelings. Either stop seeing them and do not have any contact with them or, be honest when you confront them and let them know their manipulating methods do not work on you and you no longer want anything to do with them.

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It's hard to answer this question without using "In my experience." But, that is exactly what happened. Never heard from her again. Although there wasn't rage, at least I didn't see any, as soon as I mentioned the 'lie,' she mumbled something, hung up the phone. Never heard from her again. 4 incredibly intense, but bizarre months of that. Don't know if this helps. It is a surefire way of provoking a backlash. Read more about narcissistic injury and narcissistic rage here:

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What is the tagalog of narcissistic?

Tagalog Translation of NARCISSISTIC: mahal ang sarili