To take the easy way out, I usually just turn the volume down when the language I don't like comes up. You could try that, but I'm sure there are other better answers.
how do u remix songs togther with itunes ?
you can't Yes you can you go to radio head (which is on itunes) and they offer free songs that you can remix
yes, if you had those songs on your itunes they should still be there when you log onto your itunes account
it is listed daily on the itunes homepage
Yes you do.
how do u remix songs togther with itunes ?
For a while, itunes did not have Beatle songs. Now, this year December 2010, itunes has Beatle songs!! Enjoy them, I know I am!!
Upgrading from iTunes 10 to iTunes 11 will not remove any songs from your library.
You are only allowed to get the free songs from iTunes for free.
Yes, there are clean Eminem songs on itunes
You need to go to your last back up in iTunes that has your songs on them
The 69 cents songs on iTunes can be found in the iTunes store. There is no set way to find these songs other than to do a search for them.
Yes. It is very possible to have 7,000 songs on an iTunes account.
Not all the songs on iTunes album are singles, some are collaborations.
The songs, when put in to itunes, changes format that is only playable through itunes and no other programs, causing no program to be able to comprehend and work with the format of the songs